They Never Come Back

2705. THEY NEVER COME BACK (1932-USA). With REGIS TOOMEY, DOROTHY SEBASTIAN, GERTRUDE ASTOR. Rising young boxing star Jimmy Nolan is about to enter the ring in what promises to be a tough fight. In fact, the winner of the bout is assured a shot against the reigning world champion. Nevertheless, as Jimmy fights, he has other things on his mind. Just before the bout, he had received a telegram informing him that his molher had just died. Jimmy puts up a gallant fight, but ends up being knocked out. He hurts his arm during the fray, but is so anxious to catch a train home to Chicago that he refuses to have it properly looked after. As a result, his arm is permanently damaged and his ring career is prematurely ended. Jimmy has no other skills, and thus has a difficult time finding a job. Things seem prelty glum, when an old pal arrives on the scene to offer him employment as a bouncer in a swanky nightclub. It is here that Jimmy falls for pretty star dancer Adele Landon, who is romantically involved with brutal club owner Jerry Filmore. Jimmy soon finds himself down for a ten-count as he is framed for stealing a wad of money, and he must battle on several fronts to restore his good name. You do not have to be a fight fan to enjoy this entertaining and fast-paced drama. However, boxing aficionados, in particular, will savor the special appearance by real-life former heavyweight boxing champion JAMES J. JEFFRIES, who is briefly seen as a fight referee. 62 minutes. Boxing Drama