This Is My Railroad
2900. THIS IS MY RAILROAD (1947-USA) COLOR. This is a snapshot of the Southern Pacific Railroad during its glory days, before the airplane lured away most of its passengers, before trucks on an interstate highway system lured away most of the freight. The Southern Pacific called itself “The Friendly Railroad,” and no wonder. Even though the line featured box cars and steam locomotives (very few Diesels are visible in this film!), signals, equipment and rails, the Southern Pacific was proudest of its people. The men of the track crews, the women in the billing department (no computers back then, and you didn’t have to plug in the typewriters!); the machinists, porters and waiters, even the guy who paints the S.P. logo on a newly built boxcar. This was a great railroad, and it look dedicated, hard working men and women to keep it rolling. This is their story. 59 minutes. Railroading