Thunder In The City

2095. THUNDER IN THE CITY (1937-England). WITH edward g. robinson, nigel BRUCE, CONSTANCE COLLIER, RALPH RICHARDSON, ARTHUR WONTNER. Co-written by ROBERT SHERWOOD. This is a crackerjack satire of public relations and hucksterism, with the stereotypical go-getting American pitied against the stereotypical British mentality of stiff-upper-lip civility and tradition. Edward G. Robinson offers a vital and energetic performance as Dan Armstrong, sales manager for a major American motor company. Armstrong is a showman who stages circus parades to sell cars. Lately his bosses have been down on these tactics. He is told that his “methods of exploitation are out of date. They belong in the old era of ballyhoo.” Wasn’t England the first nation to come out of the economic doldrums because things in that country art done with dignity and reserve? The arrogant Mr. Armstrong thinks that the English are collectively “dull and thick-witted.” He promptly quits his job and heads across the sea to the Mother Country. The fun begins when he hooks up with a duke who owns the world’s supply of a miracle material called Magnelite, which is buried deep inside several Rhodesian mines. Armstrong is determined to purchase and cultivate the mines, and trumpet Magnelite as the greatest discovery since the invenÂtion of the wheel. At the same time he thinks he will easily outsmart a seemingly slow-witted British business rival. Along the way Armstrong gets to romance the pretty Patricia, daughter of nobility, and in this regard it’s a special treat to see Robinson giving one of his rare romantic performances The actor is surrounded by some of England’s top screen talent, including Nigel Bruce (cast as the duke) and Ralph Richardson (playing the business adversary). 88 minutes. Drama