Today I Hang

2729. TODAY I HANG (1942-USA). With WALTER WOOLF KING, MONA BARRIE, WILLIAM FARNUM. It was only a string of cold diamonds. However, in this exciting crime melodrama, its very existence draws a group of people into an evil situation which leads to deception and blackmail and murder. Before the action begins, handsome young Jim O’Brien is sent to Burma by his boss Henry Courtney to obtain this valuable necklace in order to sell it at a profit. Upon accomplishing this task, Jim is abandoned by Courtney, who goes on to marry Jim’s ex-sweetheart Martha. With no salary and no ticket home, Jim manages to make his way back by shoveling coal on a freighter. As the story begins, he arrives at Courtney’s palatial estate to find his boss at dinner with a new business partner. Jim asks Courtney for his back pay, and the two arrange to meet at Courtney’s office later that evening. “You’ll get all that is coming to you…,” promises Courtney. That night Courtney is fatally shot, and Jim is spotted at the murder scene. When the murder weapon is found in his suitcase, the police arrest Jim and he begins a long and winding nightmare journey to the gallows. As the hangman’s knot draws closer around his neck, an assortment of crooks hasten to Jim’s side because they think he knows the whereabouts of the necklace. The solution to the mystery comes only after a heart racing climax. 61 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense