Tom Mix And Bill Heart

1408. TOM MIX AND BILL HART (1915-1916-USA). Tom Mix and William S. Hart were the “silent” cinema’s two most beloved Western stars. However, their screen images could not have beer more different: Mix’s firms were either folksy and humorous, or featured non-stop action and stunt work; while Hart’s characters were far more authentic and historically accurate. Presented here are some very early one and two reelers featuring the exploits of both Western legends.
1. EVERY INCH A MAN (Tools Of Providence) (Dakota Dan) (The Struggle In The Steeple) (1915-USA). With WILLIAMS S. HART, RHEA MITCHELL, FRANK BORZAGE. Directed by HART. Screenplay co-authored by THOMAS INCE. The pretty daughter of a small town’s new parson attempts to convince Hart, proprietor of the local saloon and gambling hall, that it would be to his benefit to attend church. If he’ll go, she promises, she’ll tend bar in his joint. He agrees-and the fun begins. Frank Borzage, an Academy Award winning director, appears briefly as an Eastern gambler.
2. LOCAL COLOR (1916-USA). With TOM MIX, VICTORIA FORDE. A young writer (Victoria Forde, Mrs. Tom Mix) arrives out West to research a story about life in the rugged, untamed wilderness. Some cowboys decide to give her the brush-off by over exaggerating their sagebrush exploits. The biggest ham of all is played by Mix.
3. AN ARIZONA WOOING (1915-USA). With TOM MIX. Sheepman Mix competes with a lecherous Mexican for the love of an attractive rancher’s daughter. Meanwhile, he’s threatened by the local cattle- men-led by his girl’s father-who demand that he remove his sheep from the range. He’s kidnapped by his foes, and things can only get worse when his south-of-the-border nemesis arrives on the scene.
Silent films with original organ score, correct projection speed. 52 minutes total.