Tromba The Tiger Man

2733. TROMBA THE TIGER MAN (1947-Germany). The setting of this lusty and spine-chilling drama is the world-famous Krone Circus, which tours across Europe and thrills audiences with its trapeze acts and elephants on parade. The latest headliner at the circus is Tromba, who has won fame for his uncanny ability to excite audiences by exhibiting fearlessness inside the tiger cage. Indeed, Tromba’s act is most unusual. It may even be described as eerie. “I don’t have to use props anymore,” he notes, of his competence in the cage. “I control my animals with my eyes,” At the same time, Tromba is a controversial character with an unsavory past. He freely admits that animals mean more to him than people, and he has a well-earned reputation as a womanizer who will seduce and then abandon any beautiful, but willing female who crosses his path. As the story opens, Tromba returns to the circus after a seven-year absence. It now is operated by Therese Kronbeck, a former trapeze artist, who once was romantically linked to Tromba. Therese’s career was ended when she fell off the trapeze and she now is half-crippled. Will one of Tromba’s future conquests be Therese’s innocent young daughter, who has just completed school and is about to return to the circus? Also playing a key role is another of Tromba’s ex-lovers, sultry Ola Orlando, with whom he reignites the candle of romance. These arid other colorful and memorable characters come together and the result is one firecracker of a story of eroticism and desire. Dubbed in English. 63 minutes. Drama