Two Reelers Comedy Classics

1. DEAR! DEER! (1942). With LEON ERROL. One Of the most popular stars Of sound comedy shorts, in a typically uproarious henpecked-husband farce. Leon returns from a wild convention, and tells his wife he was on a hunting trip. When a young lady suddenly appears and tells him she’s “Mrs. Errol,” Leon thinks he must have married her while he was on his drunken spree. Before she can explain that she’s his son’s bride, Leon tries to pay bar Off, then hide her from his suspicious wife. Other mistaken identities and complications create a delightfully bewildering maze Of cover-ups and confusions. (And what’s that deer head doing in the middle Of all Of this?) Great fun! Note: this film also appears as cat #2887.
2. HOTEL ANCHOVY (1934). With THE RITZ BROTHERS (AL, JIM, HARRY). If you’re a Ritz Brothers fan, this is a must-see item: their very first movie. If you’re not yet acquainted with them, this rauĂ‚cous comedy is a real eye-opener. These guys are incredibly hilarious, and the film-in which their attempts to keep a financially ailing hotel from going under succeed only in turning the place upside down-is many times crazier than the Marx Brothers’ Room Service. Hold onto your sides-and your sanity-as you watch the lunatic trio do everything they can to prevent guests from checking out; one poor soul isn’t even allowed to commit suicide in peace because he owes them money. The non-stop barrage Of zany gags includes a chaotic chase around a revolving door, some wildly improbable disguises, and a general atmosphere Of orchestrated anarchy. Produced by At Christie’s “Educational Pictures’-a misnomer if ever there was one!
3. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR (1930). With CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD, WILFRED LUCAS. Another “Educational Picture,” this one stars the appealing comedienne later famous as Aunt Eller in “Oklahoma.” Greenwood plays a hard-bitten type who joins the Good Deed a Day Club and promptly sets out to help those less fortunate than herself. But her servants view her sudden benevolence suspiciously, an iceman mistakes friendliness as flirting, and a hobo repays her charity by stealing the silver. The film is highlighted by her running feud with another club member, Mrs. Dillsworthy (whom she insults by calling her “Mrs. Dingleberry”), and is climaxed by a weird bit Of black humor, in which Greenwood shoots the club’s president for starting the whole mess! Note: this film also appears as cat. #2879.
55 minutes total. Comedies