Underworld Scandal; Big Town Scandal

2369. UNDERWORLD SCANDAL (Big Town Scandal) (1948-usa). With Philip REED, HILLARY BROOKE, DARRYL HICKMAN, CARL “ALFALFA” SWITZER. A gang of teens is busted while attempting a heist at a sporting goods store. None of the kids live with their parents. All are first offenders, so under ordinary circumstances each would receive probation and a stern warning from the juvenile court judge. However, the store owner demands a more severe penalty. Enter Lorelei Kilbourne, fast-talking newspaper reporter for the Illustrated Press. She notes that kids who are sent to reform school often emerge as hardened criminals. The judge nonetheless rules that they should be held over for sentencing. They are certain to wind up in the reformatory unless a “promiÂnent citizen” agrees to look after their welfare, Lorelei volunteers Steve Wilson, her managing ediÂtor. At first Steve goes along only because he sees the coverage of his involvement as a major circuÂlation booster. However, he quickly realizes that the boys basically are good kids who have gotten bad breaks. He goes about finding them jobs and establishing a teen recreation center. As this entertaining crime drama (which is one in a series of films based on the radio program “Big Town ScandalÓ) unfolds, you just know there will be complications. They are set into motion when Tommy (who is by far the toughest and most jaded of the lot} becomes involved with a gangster and some stolen furs. 59 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense