Vanishing Legion, The

2948. THE VANISHING LEGION (1931-USA) 12 Episode Mascot Serial. With HARRY CAREY, EDWINA BOOTH, FRANKIE DARRO, YAKIMA CANUTT and REX, KING OF THE WILD HORSES. Rex is a spirited, but untamed black stallion whom a group of cowboys would gladly give a month’s wages to be able to tame. Several have tried, and failed miserably. However, this “man-killing devil” has gone soft for Jimmy, a quick-witted young boy who has won Rex over by gentleness and petting rather than rough-stuff. Jimmy lives in the Oklahoma wilderness with his dad, who may or may not be guilty of murder and has long been a fugitive from justice. The plot quickly thickens when Jimmy’s father is trampled while attempting to mount Rex. This lightning-paced serial then goes on to involve a wide variety of characters who run the gamut from honest and fearless to dishonest and despicable. In the former category – is Happy Cardigan, a drilling contractor who has sunk all his resources into the development of several potentially lucrative oil fields. His foes are a mysterious band of horsemen known as the “Vanishing Legion” and an unknown criminal who calls himself “The Voice.” These villains are intern upon impeding Cardigan’s efforts by using any and all means at their disposal, from sabotage to kidnapping to murder. They also are determined to ensure that Jimmy’s dad meets his maker before he is handed over to the proper authorities and the truth behind his murder charge is established. In the end, Cardigan and the man-hating Rex will be forced to link up and play the roles of hero. As you watch this thrill-a-second serial, remember one thing: Beware of “The Voice,” and listen whenever “The Voice” speaks! 236 minutes. Serial