Watch Mr. Wizard

1265. WATCH MR. WIZARD (c. 1956-USA). NBC-TV net, sponsored by the Cereal Institute. DON HERBERT and his ever inquisitive little pal Susan, (played by PAMELA FITZMAURICE) investigate “The Six Systems of the Body.” Truly ingenious devices simply built are able to explain complex relationships to young people and fascinated adults as well. The blood’s circulation is explained with colored water, a goldfish bowl, and seltzer. An electro mechanical heart actually beats, balloon-lungs really breath, and a mechanical Dave Garroway (buiIt wtlh an erector set!) raises his hand holding a sign that reads “Peacel” Concluding with an exhibit that Rube Goldberg would have been proud of, the six systems actually work in a kind of laboratory “man.” Excellent television and a sourt of great science projects even today. 30 minutes. Television-Education