Who’s Out There

1654. WHO’S OUT THERE? (1975-USA). Hosted by ORSON WELLES. Narrated by PETER THOMAS. Produced by the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. Is there extraterrestrial life in the universe? Do we indeed live in an inhabited universe? Can science fiction be science fact? The legendary Orson Welles, who hosts this thoughtful investigation into the matter, believes that this is most definitely so. Along with a gallery of distinguished scientists and educators, he offers evidence that humankind is not the universe’s sole Iife force. Most fascinating of all are footage of, and Welles’ commentary on, NASA’s various explorations of Mars and scientists’ research into the whats, whens and wheres of these life forms. You need not be-a sci-fi buff to be astounded by some of the facts presented. Orson reads from his historic “War of the Worlds” broadcast; listeners who heard the program recall the panic the radio show caused. Orson explores Mars without leaving his easy chair, a young CARL SACAN explains the high probability that there’s someone out there! 28 minutes. Documentary