Wild Horse Canyon

783. WILD HORSE CANYON (c.1925-USA). With YAKIMA CANUTT and his horse “Boy” (and his dog “Lad”), EDWARD CECIL, HELENE ROSSON, JAY TALBOT. The story of “Yak Dawson”, an itinerant quirt maker who comes upon a lady rancher trying to catch and break a herd of wild horses (and their elusive leader). Yak tries to warn her that her foreman is up to no good, but she refuses to believe him. When the evil foreman tries to steal a kiss, she realizesÑtoo lateÑthat Yak was right! The big stampede scene at the climax gives Yakima a chance to show off his fancy shooting and a high dive off a cliff, somersaulting onto his horse! It’s the kind of performance that earned Yakima Canutt a special Academy Award in 1966 “for creating the profession of stuntman as it exists today.” Silent film with music score, correct projection speed. 81 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Western