
2063. WINDJAMMER (1937-USA). With george o’brien. Brawny George O’Brien is best remembered for his roles in several classic silent epics and horse operas. This is an action-filled drama set mostly on the open seas. It is the story Of Commodore Russell P. Selby, famed and controÂversial utility magnate who is one Of the four richest men in the United States. The commodore has been accused Of stock market chicanery and has successfully avoided being served a subpoena ordering him to testify before a Senate subcommittee. The state attorney general is under siege by the press over Selby’s antics. “I’m not looking for sympathy. I want action,” he demands. The comÂmodore has entered his yacht the “Lady Betty” in a trans-Pacific race commencing in Honolulu. The attorney general turns to devil-may-care lawyer Bruce Lane to travel to Hawaii and serve the subÂpoena. Lane manages to worm his way onto the craft and fulfill his duty. What he does not count on are a series Of dramatic confrontations involving the pig-headed commodore and his stubborn but gritty daughter (for whom the yacht is named). Then there is a shipwreck, after which Lane and the Selbys find themselves reluctantly united as they tangle with an outlaw ship captain and his uncouth crew. 57 minutes. Drama