With Love And Kisses

1874. WITH LOVE AND KISSES (1937-USA). WITH pinky tomlin, toby wing, kane RICHMOND, ARTHUR HOUSEMAN, FUZZY KNIGHT. Pinky Tomlin, composer-comedy star who enjoyed a movie career during the 1930’s and early 40’s, headlines this folksy, entertaining diversion. He plays Homer “Spec” Higgens, an Arkansas farmer and all-around country bumpkin who’s a genius at penning hit tunes. However, he only can write his songs in the presence Of his inspiration: Minnie, his cow! It seems that Homer has concocted an especially clever ditty, one which is sure to make him a fortune. He has sent the tune to Don Gray, a popular radio singer, and is crestfallen when the crooner performs it on his show but claims that it’s his own composition. Homer heads to New York, where he’s determined to confront the devious singer. Once in the Big Town, he mixes wilh a diverse assortment Of characters: Flash Henderson, as Gray’s meddlesome publicist; Barbara Holbrook, a pretty nightclub singer-recording star; Gilbert, her constantly soused lawyer brother who undergoes some humorous memory lapses (and is played in picture-stealing style by Arthur Houseman); and finally. Draper, a cutthroat racketeer who’s decided to start a music publishing comÂpany using Homer’s song as its cornerstone. Look for a young Morey Amsterdam in the credits, you won’t see him on the screen! 64 minutes. Musical