Wolf Call

1497. WOLF CALL (1939-UsA). With JOHN CARROLL, MOVTTA, WHEELER OAKMAN. A pleasing, diverting adventure yam adapted from the JACK LONDON novel. It stars suave John Carroll, who began his career as a stuntman. He parlayed his good looks and fine singing voice into stardom as a reading man, and eventually found himself cast in action dramas such as this. He portrays Michael Vance, frivolous playboy son Of wealth, who arrives in Radium City with his trusty, heroic dog Smoky to determine the value Of his father’s pitchblende mine. What should otherwise be an easy task becomes complicated, as Vance must contend with a conniving mine manager and his cronies-who represent those who are aware Of die property’s true value. Along the way, he finds himself attracted to Towana, a beautiful Indian maiden. Primarily an action-adventure story, there are no small doses Of romance and even music to make it an all around delight. 60 minutes Action Drama