Woody Allen Special

2600. THE WOODY ALLEN SPECIAL (September 21, 1969-USA) COLOR. CBS-TV. With WOODY ALLEN, CANDICE BERGEN, REV. BILLY GRAHAM, THE FIFTH DIMENSION. Sponsored by Libby’s Foods (TONY RANDALL and an Edsel appear prominently). A fun comedy/variety show with a “Woodyesque” opening monologue, “Sex and death, they both only come once in my lifetime! At least after death, you’re not nauseous!” Yummy Candy Bergen (in a blonde 60’s wig) joins Woody on stage in a play. Woody does an original “silent movie” called “Cupid’s Shaft” and has a chat with Billy Graham (Woody’s first question: “What’s your favorite commandment?”). Don’t miss the “original” folktale “Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn” (with Woody as a Hassidic Jew!)
Funny! 57 minutes. TV Comedy