Young Lovers, The; Never Fear

2006. THE YOUNG LOVERS (Never Fear) (1950-usa). With sally forrest, keefe
BRASSELLE, HUGH O’BRIAN. Produced, directed and co-scripted by IDA LUPINO. An engrossing, based-on-fact psychological drama which movingly deals with a universal theme: the manner in which an individual must struggle to maintain faith in the face Of dire adversity. It is the story Of Carol Williams (extremely well-played by Sally Forrest), a shapely young dancer. She and her boyfriend, Guy Richards, have formed a dance team and are hopeful Of a long and successful career. All Of their dreams come crashing into reality when Carol becomes mysteriously ill. This woman who is in the bloom Of her youth has been struck down by polio: a horrible and dreaded disease which renders her paralyzed and unable to walk. Carol finds herself confined to a sanitarium where she must endure hour upon hour Of grueling physical therapy. She quickly becomes despondent, fearing that she is “no longer a woman.” With great care, the scenario charts Carol’s inner turmoil as she struggles first with depression and then frustration in her attempt to deal with her plight. In her corner is a fellow patient, Len Randall, who is at once caring and confident. Despite his infirmity, he has peace Of mind. “You’ll be surprised at what you’ll do once you’ve made up your mind to live again,” he tells her. Perhaps the handsome Len is a more appropriate romantic match for Carol. Carol in turn pushes Guy away out Of fear that he will come to pity her more than love her. All Of this leads to a climax that is at once poignant and powerful. 81 minutes. Drama