Your Turn Darling

2686. YOUR TURN, DARLING (1963-France). With EDDIE CONSTANTlNE. A pretty secret agent named Olivia is attempting to call her boss when gunshots ring out and she is brutally murdered. At the same time, Professor Elmer Whitaker is kidnapped. He is a distinguished scientist whose specialty is rocket fuel and whose experiments have been subsidized by the United Stales government. Why has he been abducted and why was Olivia murdered? Only one man will be able to find the answers: debonair and hard living Lemmy Caution, secret agent extraordinaire (whose adventures are continued in “Alphaville,” (see cat. #1933). The ever-flustered Colonel Willis, Lemmy’s overseer and the head of the FBI, demands answers. “I’ll have Whitaker back in the government’s tender care in eight days,” Lemmy promises. Will he be able to make good on this guarantee? Our hero begins his investigation by looking up Professor Whitaker’s betrothed. She is Geraldine Montevecchio, a beautiful model whose father is a famous painter. Lemmy arrives on Geraldine’s doorstep, only to learn that she has just gone off in the company of a man who had presented himself to her as Lemmy Caution! From here, the plot can only thicken and the excitement builds as Lemmy mixes with assorted bad guys and a seemingly endless line of stunningly beautiful damselsÑnot all of whom are in distress! English language and dubbed in English. 92 minutes. Spy Drama